Connect with caregivers for your home care and health care needs.
Quality CARE starts here
Quality CARE starts here
Feel better in the comfort of your own home. We specialize in care and daily living assistance to an array of individuals. Whether you need daily or weekly assistance due to developmental disability, illness, recovery, or rehabilitation, our CARE Professionals will provide an individualized service that you can trust.
We understand that not one care plan fits all. Daily services can include anything from meal preparation, hygiene, cleaning, and supervision. We will take the time to get to know you and develop an individualized care plan that fits your specific needs.
Companionship is key to a trusted relationship with our Care Professionals. We service throughout Los Angeles.
We not only strive to help you with everyday tasks but want to develop a caring relationship with you. We provide one-on-one attention and care that cannot compare in other settings. Contact us for your home care and home health care needs.
Our experienced and highly trained CARE Professionals provide the highest quality of care to both patients and their families. Our goal is to help our individuals and their loved ones live happy and fulfilling lives.
At Care Connection, we take great pride in providing an exceptional caregiving experience. We view it as an honor that you have vested this responsibility on us.
From a few hours a day to around the clock care, our caregivers, who we call Care Professionals, are here to assist you with activities of daily living such as meal preparation
At Care Connection, we take great pride in providing an exceptional caregiving experience. We view it as an honor that you have vested this responsibility on us.
From a few hours a day to around the clock care, our caregivers, who we call Care Professionals, are here to assist you with activities of daily living such as meal preparation, bathing, personal hygiene, dressing and grooming.
We only work with the best caregivers throughout Los Angeles. Our hiring process is designed to identify and select only the best candidates.
Care Connection also help with care transitions from hospital to home. Our Care Professionals help to ensure that mom and dad keep their doctor ordered medication regimen and keep follow up appointments. This leads to improved health outcomes and prevent re-hospitalizations.
Recovering from home after surgery can limit you with your daily activities. Whether you are recovering from major surgery, childbirth or plastic surgery, ,our compassionate CARE Professionals can assist you to a healthy and complete recovery.
“If you are looking for some awesome, knowledgeable people, these are the people I highly recommend. Their friendliness and following through is what I love about them."
-Kevin S.
Culver City
“I didn’t know what to do about my health issues and how I can live at home as long as I can. I found that this team was just who I was looking for. I spoke to one of their staff who is a gerontologist and she gave me insightful tips on a care plan so I can get the help I need at home. I like that they have experienced health care professionals in their team.
-Caitlyn G.
Santa Monica
The industry leader in Southern California to provide home care and health care needs.
Available 24/7: 877-875-5911
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